Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What Is Art Final Paper

Sean Schafranek
What Is Art?
I wanted to know some cool techniques that I could use to make the car in the picture stand out from the rest of the background. Another
student suggested that I could make it pop art style. In photoshop I
went to Image>Adjustments>Threshold and I adjusted the part of the
photo that I selected. Then I went to Image>Adjustments>Gradient Map
and chose one of the different colors available. This way I could
make the car be very different from the original photo. Creating art
out of a photo through a medium.
I chose to use the medium of photography to show that there is art everywhere. To show this I decided to take my camera with me to my internship in West Oakland. On my way to the garden I saw a car parked in some tall grass. I though that the image was interesting and also had the potential to be manipulated in a new way.
I didn’t go into this project with a certain genre or artist in mind that I wanted to recreate.
I posted the first image that I did. However, before settling on taking a picture of something in Oakland, I was going to do something much more simple. I was going to draw a picture of a piece of paper of a green carpet. I was going to show that the viewer of art can find a meaning in something as simple as a piece of paper on carpet.
I want to show that art is in every aspect of life. So I decided to use Photoshop to manipulate my image. So by selecting the car and changing the colors with a gradient map, I was able to show that art is as simple as changing the colors of an ordinary object into something outrageous.
Point of View
My point of view about art is that art can be anything express though a medium. My medium that I wanted to use is photography. The central focus of the picture is the car in the grass. To exaggerate that art is anything I decide to make the car stand out from the rest of the picture.
Art is anything that is expressed through a medium. A painting is art no matter what is on the canvas. A book is a work of art no matter how highly educated and literate the author is. A song in music is art because the artist decides that those sounds went well together. Any person can be and are artist with or without any training of any kind. The first caveman to draw on his wall is an artist and his drawing of an elephant is artwork because he is expressing the image of an elephant through the medium of painting. Every kindergartener is an artist just foProxy-Connection: keep-alive
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the fact that they are showing a thought that they came up with.

Context And Connections
To research and develop my definition of what is art, I looked at classic works of art. Like in the painting Nighthawks by the artist Edward Hopper, this art piece evokes emotions. It shows loneliness for this people eating some food at a late night diner. It is pretty prototypical for people in the city. You are all in it alone. No sense of community. It does form communication between the artist and me. He is showing a piece and it makes me think about life in an urban environment. Shows some tech skills that this guy knows how to paint a picture. I especially like the colors inside the diner, bright inside and cold and dark outside.
Compared to Nighthawks, both the works can evoke emotions, like loneliness or spontaneity.
The specific characteristics that art needs to have are very limited. Art has to be through a medium of some kind. So a toilet is not art but a drawing of a toilet is. This way the artist has to show their interpretation of the object. This also allows the viewer of the art to see something about the object that they never notice before.
The first stage of my project was anger. I was fostering the opinion that I am not an artist nor am I good enough to be one. Because of this mental barrier I didn’t jump on to the bandwagon. I didn’t know what I wanted to do and I had no clue of what art was. Though talking to others and seeing Ted examples I decide that art is whatever and anything can be art as long as an artist has used a medium to show there art. Once I had this definition to work off of, my ideas started to flow. I wanted to show something simple through a medium and call it art.
I showed my artwork to Max. At first he said it looked good enough. Then I show it to Ted trying to get some honest feedback. He showed my some more advance techniques on how I could manipulate the gradient map, like have the windows of the car be normal and show the gradient through the rest of the car.
Compared to Nighthawks my artwork looks unprofessional. But that is because of practice and talent that he has and that I am still working on. However, both of the pieces show a message clearly. My image is right in the middle of the picture and his has more going on in it. The line of sight draws you to the diner, whereas in mine there is no line of sight because the car stands out so much more than the rest of the image.
The process of defining art was much more intricate then I anticipate. Art is something that I took for granted and did not even think of defining. However, throughout Ted’s class I have looked at different pieces and thought to myself if it is or is not a piece of art. Finally I decided that art is anything that is expressed through a medium. I challenged different thing that I saw and wondered if I though of it as art or not. When I looked at a movie I knew that it was art, but when I took what was in the movie out of the context of the film I decided it was just another part of life. It is because someone filmed it that it is art.
The major strategy that I used to overcome setbacks was to stop building and start over. I kept getting a head of myself with my project and lost sight of what I wanted to do. One class I wanted to make a song the next I wanted to paint and all the while I still had only a vague definition of what art is. It was only after I knew my definition that I knew I wanted to use photography.
I have gotten a lot of feedback throughout this project. Mostly I asked for ideas, because I thought I was lost and had no idea on what to do. Because I took so long in deciding what to do I didn’t have a lot of time to ask for feedback on my finish project.

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